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UK Verified PayPal Account Setup

UK Verified PayPal Account Setup

PayPal is an online payment system that allows you to send and receive money online from friends, family and loved ones globally. You can also integrate your business PayPal account to your website to receive online payment for your products and services. However, PayPal has restricted this service for Nigerians and other countries; but we can get you a legit and verified PayPal account to carry out any transaction:

Due to the difficulties and challenges faced by many Nigerian and other African countries with using PayPal account with restrictions, we have device a credible and legit means to provide a solution to these difficulties. We can create a verified and payment receivable PayPal account for legitimate business purposes.

Owners of the account will be able to send and receive money without limits and without having to hid their IP addresses.

Features of this service include:

  • UK Verified personal business PayPal account
  • Able to send and receive money
  • PayPal button for website integration

NOTE: You will have to provided us with a valid International Passport


  • Valid International passport
  • UK SIM/phone number (Get UK SIM here if you don’t have)

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